Befriending The Most Powerful Person – Chapter 1.4

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Hi, everyone!

Happy Valentines day! ā¤ ā¤ ā¤

Sorry for the wait. The past few weeks had been a bit hectic because my brother was recently diagnosed with a very high sugar level. He’s diabetic. šŸ˜¦

Fortunately, the doctor said that it can still be cured with proper diet (no more sugar…) and he didn’t need to take insulin yet. Yay! ā¤ But he is still advised to take one of those medicines from Germany. Really, I didn’t know medicines can be that expensive. o_O We also found out that some of our relatives also had diabetes. So, it’s really hereditary which is kind of a scary thought…

My brother told me not to eat my sugary snacks around him so that he won’t be tempted to eat those too. So this week, I felt like a ninja hiding snacks when he’s around or when he suddenly appears. XD

Anyway, here is the link to Chapter 1.4Ā . Chapter 1.5 is already translated too so please read it too. I hope you enjoy it! Thank for everyone’s support! ā¤


Please do not re post the translations of BTMPP. Thank you for understanding. šŸ™‚ Happy Valentine day! ā¤


16 thoughts on “Befriending The Most Powerful Person – Chapter 1.4”

  1. Does your brother have diabetes or pre-diabetes? I have a few family members with diabetes.

    As for pre-diabetes, here is a quick test.

    My step-dad only found out he had diabetes by collapsing at work and being taken to the ER. It has been about 12 years now of him managing his meds. He also has a heart condition so his meds sometimes need tweaking to find the right balance between his diabetes and his heart meds.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. The doctor said that it can still be cured even without taking insulin so I think it may have been pre-diabetes… :O My brother is being very careful now though, and he is already trying a diabetic diet plan. But, he is okay now! šŸ˜€ He just misses his sugary snacks very much. XD

      Thanks for the link! It’s very easy to understand and informative. I’m really relieved to find out that I have a low risk for pre-diabetes. šŸ™‚ Maybe, I’ll will also try cut down on my sugar too. Just to be careful. šŸ˜€

      Sorry about your stepdad, I hope he is alright now. šŸ™‚ My brother found out while he is going to work. He felt so dizzy he decided not to go and went to the nearest hospital. He came home with an armful of fresh vegetables and medicine. I found out that he panicked and bought a lot of vegetables. XD

      Thank you for your comment and Happy Valentines day! ā¤


      1. Every so often I test my blood sugar on my s-dad’s device because my dad had type 2 diabetes as well, but he never maintained it so he had bad health. He suffered from strokes and it killed him when I was 12. He was only 62.

        Besides having a weak immune system and migraines I am really healthy. No high blood pressure, heart rate, or blood pressure. But it always good test every few months to make sure. I have a fit bit with a heart rate monitor and my folks have a blood pressure monitor as well.

        Liked by 1 person

        1. I’m sorry for your loss. :O I’m glad you are doing well, aside from migraines. It’s really hard to lose a family member. It makes us more cautious and careful on monitoring our health because we have seen the pain they experienced…

          Yes, I agree. šŸ™‚ Its better to get test just to be on the safe side. I think it’s a good idea to own those monitoring health devices, health is a priceless investment! šŸ˜€ My brother is thinking of getting his own device too so he can check his blood sugar level anytime. šŸ˜€


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